

“The Importance of Republic Act 6713 – an   act establishing a Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees” An act establishing a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees, to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust, granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and transactions and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes.  The importance of Republic Act 6713 is that the  State actively encourages a high level of ethics in public service. Public personnel and officials must always be held accountable to the public, do their jobs with the utmost responsibility, competence, loyalty, and fairness, behave with patriotism and justice, lead simple lives, and put the needs of the public before their own. Public servants offer services to the general populace, participate in the creation of governmental policy, and carry out gove


"Give your insights regarding our right as citizens of the Philippines to utilize and enjoy all natural resources according to the principle of sustainable development".  Earth’s natural resources include air, water, soil, minerals, plants, and animals. Conservation is the practice of caring for these resources so all living things can benefit from them now and in the future. Natural resources are central to human wellbeing. We cannot live without the clean air we breathe, the plants we eat, or the water we drink. We need natural resources to put roofs over our heads and heat our homes. We need them to survive and to thrive. The concept of natural resources refers to naturally occurring living and non-living elements of the Earth system, including plants, fish, and fungi, but also water, soil, and minerals. A prominent way to think about natural resources is to look at them in terms of depletion risk: do they regenerate, and, if so, at what pace? Some resources, s


“Philippine law in Protecting Environment” 1. Philippine Clean Air Act - Republic Act 8749   It is a comprehensive air quality management policy and program, which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for Filipinos.  The law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air Quality guideline values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the possible associated impacts to the economy. Its guiding principles are the following: a. Promote and protect the global environment while recognizing the primary responsibility of LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS to deal with environmental problems b. Recognize that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment is primarily are- based; c. Recognize that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and should therefore be the concern of all. 2. Pollution Control Law - P.D. 1181 (supplements the provision of P.D. 984)  providing for the abatem


      “Good Citizenship Values cluster        PagkaMaka-Diyos”. Having a good citizenship values cluster PagkaMaka- Diyos , shows respects the spiritual beliefs of others while expressing one's own spiritual beliefs. It also upholds the truth, demonstrating adherence to ethical principles. We Filipinos, who are MakaDiyos, believe in the supernatural power of God, who made the heavens and the earth and gave birth to humankind. Integrate the spiritual force of faith by imparting the importance of moral behavior in words, deeds, and ideas. In addition, A person should possess good citizen values in order to fulfill their obligations as a citizen of the state. The morals that a decent citizen should uphold are advantageous to both the country and the individual.  Through faith in the Almighty in action people may decide to incorporate the value of faith in God in their subject areas/lessons, in their family life by setting up stronger faith practices in the home. For instan


         " SIX TYPES OF IDEOLOGICAL                                    NATIONALISM " 1. REVOLUTIONARY NATIONALISM Nationalism or revolutionary nationalism advocates for a national community bound together by a shared sense of purpose and destiny. For instance, a broad campaign for political, social, and economic freedom in the Philippines is referred to as Filipino nationalism. It is the establishment and support of a political identity that is associated with the modern nation-state of the Philippines. Philippine revolution gradually emerged from various political and armed movements in most of the Spanish East Indies. These movements are characterized by an increase in anti-colonialist ideals were primarily led by ilustrado, or landed, educated elites, whether native, insulare, or peninsulare (Indio). Revolutionary movements aim to dramatically alter society as a whole they want to change every aspect of society.The Civil Rights Movement and politica


" WHAT MAKES FILIPINO VALUES UNIQUE " Despite differences and similarities between Filipinos and other nations, Filipinos are more distinctive. When compared to other Asian nations, Filipino culture is one of a kind. The beliefs that Filipinos live by every day show how rich and blessed our culture is. We are more hospitable because we treat each other and ourselves with respect. In addition, we are distinct from other nations in terms of our close family ties and possess distinct characteristics. In point of fact, I am extremely proud to be Filipino. Furthermore, the majority of people living in the Philippines share a set of core values and characteristics that are instilled in us as children and continue to guide our daily lives. The characteristics that makes Filipino unique are;  • Strong family ties • Humor and positivity • Flexibility and adaptability • Faith and religion • Filipino hospitality • Respect for the elderly • Industrious attitude • Generosity D


                            Unit 2 Activity 1: Blogging Directions: Make a blog on the webpage on the difference between patriotism and nationalism.                           "DEFINITION"  Patriotism comes from the Latin word, “pater” which means father. It means love for or devotion to one’s country in the sense of children owning utmost gratitude and loyalty to their parents. As such, it has become a sentiment; that is, “a feeling exalted by emotion and clarified by ideas.” It beautifies the country’s realities into “something higher, nobler and sweeter.” It inspires heroic deeds, it urges to the greatest sacrifices, it endures all trials. As a virtue, patriotism belong to a habitual state, hence our everyday life inclines to good, not to evil (Turner, 1926) Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state. As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation (as in a