Unit 2

Activity 1: Blogging
Directions: Make a blog on the webpage on the difference between patriotism and nationalism.

Patriotism comes from the Latin word, “pater” which means father. It means love
for or devotion to one’s country in the sense of children owning utmost gratitude and loyalty to their parents. As such, it has become a sentiment; that is, “a feeling exalted by emotion and clarified by ideas.” It beautifies the country’s realities into “something higher, nobler and sweeter.” It inspires heroic deeds, it urges to the greatest sacrifices, it endures all trials. As a virtue, patriotism belong to a habitual state, hence our everyday life inclines to
good, not to evil (Turner, 1926)

Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be
congruent with the state.
As a movement, nationalism tends to promote the interests of a
particular nation (as in a group of people), especially with the aim of gaining and
maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland.

Patriotism and Nationalism both show the relationship of an individual towards his or her nation. The two are often confused and frequently believed to mean the same thing. However, there is a huge difference between nationalism and patriotism.

Nationalism is an idea that fosters unity and a sense of responsibility towards the nation, among a group of people. It plays a significant role in the progress and prosperity of a nation.

It binds the people of different caste, creed, religion, and culture, together. They stay united to protect their nation from external threats as well as to contribute to its growth.

Nationalism fosters the citizens a responsibility to preserve their national heritage and culture. It encourages the preservation of national values and heritage.
Nationalism gives importance to the heritage, culture, and language of a nation.

Nationalism is very important because it helps a nation stay secure and also make consistent progress. When the people of a nation are not united by nationalism, it becomes vulnerable to several threats. 

. Loyalty and devotion to a nation
. Fosters Unity
. Preserves National Heritage
. Helps in Nation’s Growth
. Fosters Democracy
. Strengthen People

Nationalism is fundamental to a nation’s unity and progress. The nation is safe and will progress as long as nationalism fosters among its citizens. It is indeed at the core of the interest of the nation and values by nationalistic citizens.

Nationalism also holds the belief that the nation should be congruent with the state.

Patriotism is a basic value. One’s nation is the natural, obvious, and necessary beneficiary of one’s sacrifices.
It is a clearest in moralities that take the moral point of view to be, fundamentally, a perspective of impartial concern for all.

Patriotism is a good quality in a citizen. There are many ways to show patriotism. For example, standing for the national anthem is a simple and obvious way to show patriotism. Some other examples include obeying all laws and paying taxes, serving on juries, volunteering for community service, participating in elections by voting, and understanding the rights, freedoms, and responsibilities as a citizen.

Love for or devotion to one's country
. Love of one's country
. Positive and supportive attitudes to a 'fatherland' 

In conclusion, The main difference between nationalism and patriotism is that nationalism is based on the belief that one’s nation is superior to others, while patriotism is based on one’s love and devotion to country.

CLASS SCHEDULE: CFLM 1 (T-TH) 9:00-10:30 am


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