“Good Citizenship Values cluster        PagkaMaka-Diyos”.

Having a good citizenship values cluster PagkaMaka- Diyos, shows respects the spiritual beliefs of others while expressing one's own spiritual beliefs. It also upholds the truth, demonstrating adherence to ethical principles.

We Filipinos, who are MakaDiyos, believe in the supernatural power of God, who made the heavens and the earth and gave birth to humankind. Integrate the spiritual force of faith by imparting the importance of moral behavior in words, deeds, and ideas.

In addition, A person should possess good citizen values in order to fulfill their obligations as a citizen of the state. The morals that a decent citizen should uphold are advantageous to both the country and the individual. 

Through faith in the Almighty in action people may decide to incorporate the value of faith in God in their subject areas/lessons, in their family life by setting up stronger faith practices in the home.
For instance, praying before meals, praying the rosary, encouraging children to develop a habit of prayer and reflection especially when faced with moral discernment and in their daily lives by always attributing one's effort to God and making Him a part of the changes of our lives.
Based on my experience in connection with "Good Citizenship Values cluster        PagkaMaka-Diyos" I am more aware of the things I can achieve when I live a life of faith now that I fully understand the significance of my prayer in my life and in the history of my country. I have the desire to act morally, make good choices, and use my abilities to the fullest extent possible gifts that God has given me. When faced with situations that go against my moral principles and those that could harm the well-being of others, I will make an effort to maintain my moral integrity. My faith is a gift that gives me courage in difficult situations and guides me in making moral choices.

• Prioritizing God's kingdom over anything else.
• Through prayer, ask for his direction, protection, strength, miracle, or anything else you need.You could always pray to God at any time and place.
• Open your mind to the reality of life by reading the Bible or a book of hopes.
• Giving God frequent thanks for the wonderful and priceless life you have lived.
• Asking God to forgive us if we have sinned against him or failed to do his will.
• We must not violate his directive.adhere to the commands.
• Loving God with every fiber of your being
Above all else, we must have faith in and obedience to God.

Indeed, A good Filipino obeys God and lives according to His teachings.One of the highlighted qualities of the Filipino is our faith in God. Filipinos, in one way or another, have a fundamental understanding of a Supreme Being who, in their eyes, always offers a beacon of hope, no matter how dire the circumstances may be at the time.
Good Filipinos recognize the absolute value of human life and the human dignity of everyone, including themselves. It means seeing someone as worthy and valuable.
A decent Filipino respects law and order because they cherish orderliness. Setting things in order can include doing chores around the house, getting to school on time, standing in line, and adhering to traffic laws.
In all they do, a good Filipino appreciates effort and perfection. He or she makes a decent living and abstains from crime and corruption. He or she is punctual for school, completes their assigned work, and takes part in extracurricular activities. He or she puts out their utmost effort in everything and is not satisfied with the average. Filipinos are quickly rising to the status of prized employees and respected business partners. Filipinos are excellent salespeople and negotiators who have no problem taking on any kind of work. Filipinos are very creative as well. an interest in the family and the next generation
A decent Filipino is concerned for the wellbeing of his or her family and the next generation. He or she assists with household tasks, has love relationships with all of the family's members, is considerate and kind to them, and sets a good example for the younger members.
Those are my insights about Good Citizenship Values cluster PagkaMaka-Diyos.

CLASS SCHEDULE: CFLM 1 (T-TH) 9:00-10:30 am


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