“The Importance of Republic Act 6713 – an act establishing a Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”
An act establishing a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and employees, to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust, granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and transactions and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes. 

The importance of Republic Act 6713 is that the  State actively encourages a high level of ethics in public service. Public personnel and officials must always be held accountable to the public, do their jobs with the utmost responsibility, competence, loyalty, and fairness, behave with patriotism and justice, lead simple lives, and put the needs of the public before their own.
Public servants offer services to the general populace, participate in the creation of governmental policy, and carry out governmental directives. Their deeds have a direct impact on the populace and their trust in the government. As a result, the public expects high moral standards and ethical behavior from public officials.

Furthermore, Ethical behaviour is very important. Public servants face many different situations. They are bound by codes and other legislative requirements.
Accountability between the public and the government is provided through ethics. Following a code of ethics makes ensuring that the public is treated fairly and gets what it needs. Additionally, it provides the administration with standards for operating honestly. The community's trust is subsequently strengthened by that integrity. The administration helps the people realize that they are acting in their best interests by fostering this culture of trust.
A code of ethics establishes norms of professionalism that public sector employees can expect from one another, and the general public should demand the same of their leaders. A robust code of ethics for public administration provides executives with the standards they need to do their duties and motivate their staff.

Indeed, Any violation hereof proven in a proper administrative proceeding shall be sufficient cause for removal or dismissal of an official employee, even if no criminal prosecution is instituted against him. 

Those are the Importance of Republic Act 6713 – an act establishing a Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees”.

CLASS SCHEDULE: CFLM 1 (T-TH) 9:00-10:30 am


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